Wednesday 27 February 2013

Holding Different Positions in Business w/ Greg Jaunich

Greg Jaunich has an extensive business history. Greg Jaunich has been working for various businesses since the year 1983. Greg Jaunich has been responsible for everything from sourcing, training, hiring and managing developers and sales persons in every aspect of the wind farming industry to being the president and chief executive officer for three different wind energy businesses which he built from the ground up. All of these different experiences have made Greg Jaunich an extremely knowledgeable, professional businessman.

Back in 1983, Greg Jaunich began working for a company called Iowa Grain Co. while working for Iowa Grain Co., Greg Jaunich held the title of commodity broker. As a commodity broker, Greg Jaunich was responsible for the selling and purchasing of different commodities between companies. After finishing up working for Iowa Grain Co., Greg Jaunich went to work for a firm called Benson-Quinn Co. At Benson-Quinn Co. Greg Jaunich was once again holding the title of commodity broker.

After 8 years of working as a commodity broker, Greg Jaunich began working as president and chief executive officer of three different wind energy firms. Greg Jaunich also happened to found, create and lead every one of these business firms on his own.  Boreal Energy, Inc., Navitas Energy, Inc. and Northern Alternative Energy, Inc. were all brainchildren of Greg Jaunich.

Now, Greg Jaunich is currently working as a guest lecturer and adjunct professor teaching students about business ethics at both the undergraduate and the graduate level. Greg Jaunich is also acting as the director of ethics for a few different privately owned companies. Greg Jaunich does not see himself starting another business in the near future, though he does want to teach business ethical decision making at the college level. Greg Jaunich certainly holds the real world work experience necessary to be able to teach other people about the importance of ethics.

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